SERC Fellowships
The Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC) at UC Berkeley strives to sponsor a network of well-designed and skillfully-facilitated DeCals focused on sustainability and the environment. The SERC DeCal Fellowship supports students achieving SERC's vision of ``Sustainability education for every UC Berkeley student``.
Why should you apply
- $200 sponsorship;
- Advertise on our blog, The Leaflet, to advertise your DeCal;
- Access to our speaker database;
- Work closely with the Academic and Professional Development Associate who provides pedagogical training and resources;
- Access to additional resources and opportunities from SERC.
Four Decals will be selected for the fellowship by fulfilling the following criteria:
- Committing to and demonstrating the attendance of DeCal facilitators to one fellowship workshop during the semester to discuss facilitation tactics with other fellows. The workshops dates will be arranged in accordance with fellows’ schedules and absences can be made up;
- Creating a blog post on The Leaflet, a SERC publication;
- Answering the application questions here;
- Conducting mid- and end-of-semester DeCal evaluations, created in consultation with the SERC Academic and Professional Associate;
- Providing a syllabus and course proposal packet demonstrating sustainability as a primary learning outcome;
- After acceptance to the SERC DeCal Fellowship, editing your Decal page to include a mention of SERC sponsorship.
Applications for the fall semester are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied. Please check again around December for our Spring application.
Note: Classroom funds are by default disbursed by reimbursement; alternative funding methods can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. Funds cannot be used for gift certificates or other gifts. Funds can be used for course supplies and food, field trip transportation costs, and guest speaker fees.
SERC’s Greener DeCal Fund
The Greener DeCal Fund supports non-environment and sustainability related decals to integrate sustainability into their curriculum. The Greener DeCal Fund serves to achieve SERC’s vision of “Sustainability education for every UC Berkeley student”.
Why should you apply?
- $200 sponsorship;
- Advertise on our blog, The Leaflet, to advertise your DeCal;
- Access to our speaker database;
- Work closely with the Academic and Professional Development Associate who provides pedagogical training and resources;
- Access to additional resources and opportunities from SERC.
The DeCal will be selected for the fellowship by fulfilling the following criteria:
- Committing to and attending an orientation meeting, and one follow-up meetings with the A&PD Associate. The workshops dates will be arranged in accordance with fellows’ schedules and absences can be made up.
- Creating a blog post on The Leaflet, a SERC publication
- Providing a syllabus and course proposal packet
- Demonstrating interest for sustainability and environmentalism.
- Conducting mid- and end-of-semester DeCal evaluations created in consultation with the SERC A&PD Associate.
Applications for the fall semester are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied. Please check again around December for our Spring application.