SERC values the power of film and media as educational tools and change agents for sustainability and environmentalism.
The SERC Film Series seeks to educate students through the screening of environmental and sustainability films, coupled with post-film discussions and the engagement of filmmakers.
Fall 2016 Screenings
- Before The Flood – National Geographic Film Screening
- Friday, 10/14, 6:30pm-8:30pm
- 180 Tan Hall
- Food will be provided.
- Co-sponsored by STeam and National Geographic
- Belo Monte: After the Flood
- Tuesday, 12/6, 6:30pm-9:30pm
- 2060 VLSB
- Co-sponsored by Amazon Watch, International Rivers, Berkeley Water Group, Students of Color Environmental Collective, and Friends of the River at Berkeley
Spring 2016 Screening

Fall 2015 Screenings
Additionally, SERC is honored to support the San Francisco Green Film Festival since 2014.
- 2016 SF Green Film Festival: Dear President Obama 4/18/16, Banatao Auditorium, 310 Sutardja Dai Hall
2015 SF Green Film Festival: Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story Screening and Panel Discussion, 6/2/15, 7pm at the David Brower Center – Sponsored by SF Green Film Festival, Earth Island Journal, Sports Basement, and SERC. Panel Discussion featuring:
- Ruben E. Canedo, Coordinating Chair, UC Berkeley Food Security Committee and Co-Chair of the UC System Global Food Initiative Food Access & Security Committee
- Kevin Connelly, Associate Director, Earth Island Institute (moderator)
- Dana Frasz, Founder & Director, Food Shift
- Dana Gunders, Staff Scientist, Food & Agriculture Program, NRDC
- 2014 SF Green Film Festival: Mondo Banana & Let’s Go Banana’s Open Mic Night, 5/30/14, 9PM at Roxie Theater — Sponsored by SF Green Film Festival and SERC. See full SF Green Film Festival schedule here.
Spring 2015 Screenings
- Earth Week Screening: Thirsty for Justice: The Struggle for the Human Right to Water– 4/23, 7pm, 60 Barrows Hall
- co-sponsored by Berkeley Water Group and Building Sustainability at Cal
- Trashed Screening – 3/19, 7pm-9pm, 60 Barrows Hall
- co-sponsored by Zero Waste Research Center
- Gasland II Screening– 2/19, 7-9pm, 110 Barrows Hall
- co-sponsored by Students Against Fracking
Fall 2014 Screenings
- Plant this Movie! Screening and Discussion with Filmmakers– 11/12, 7-9:30pm, 159 Mulford Hall
- Cowspiracy Screening and Discussion with Filmmakers– 10/23, 7-10pm, 0132 Boalt Hall
- Preserving Paradise Screening and Panel Discussion with Filmmakers– 9/24, 6-8pm, 60 Barrows Hall
Spring 2014 Screenings
- EcoMovie Night: Tapped– 3/13, 7:30pm, 156 Dwinelle Hall
Fall 2013 Screenings
- EcoMovie Night: A Fierce Green Fire– 11/20, 8pm, 109 Dwinelle Hall
- EcoMovie Night: Edible City-10/24, 6:30pm, 110 Barrows Hall
Spring 2013 Screenings
- EcoMovie Night: Thin Ice: -The Inside Story of Climate Science– 4/23, 6pm, 110 Barrows Hall
- EcoMovie Nights: Do the Math, 4/21, 6:30pm, 126 Barrows Hall
- EcoMovie Nights: Crude 4/3, 6pm, 101 Morgan Hall