Environmental Organizations at UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley has over 40 student run organizations related to environmental and sustainability work! Click here and check them out now!

Green Jobs & Learning Opportunities

Looking for part-time, volunteer, full-time, or other  off-campus sustainability related opportunities? Click here to check out our Green Jobs & Learning Opportunities page here!

  /  Keshwanth Puligulla (he/him)

Keshwanth Puligulla (he/him)

“Hi, I’m Keshwanth and I am a second year Environmental Economics and Policy major. I am passionate about preserving our environment and love exploring the vast nuances to solving the climate crisis, whether it be through energy, policy, or economics. I am super excited to be able to join the wonderful and diverse team that SERC is and help expand the culture of sustainability within the Berkeley campus and broader community. In my free time, I love to read, play basketball, and hang out with friends and family!”