Meet The Leaflet’s 2018-2019 Staff:
Ellie Pumpkin: Ellie Pumpkin is a second year student majoring in Environmental Sciences and minoring in Conservation and Resource Studies. Having grown up in a rural area on the coast of northern California, Ellie has a lifelong love for the outdoors and all of the life it encompasses. She is passionate about both writing and environmental advocacy and is excited to merge those interests in a student organization platform. Aside from trying to survive her lower division STEM classes, Ellie spends her time journaling, finding new music, making a mess in the kitchen, chasing sunsets, or planning her next camping trip.
Ellie Pumpkin covers ecology.
Emma Tracy: Emma Tracy is a third year studying the dynamic relationship that the built environment has with Earth’s processes. As a Sustainable Environmental Design minoring in GIST and ERG, she is interested in topics related to transitioning to renewable energy, remote sensing, climate specific design, and spatial patterns. She enjoys planting native plants and floating in the ocean in her hometown of Santa Barbara and will sympathize if you’re feeling nostalgic for the sun. When she is not on campus, Emma is exploring running trails or poorly sketching people’s faces (bonus points if you let her sketch your face).
Emma Tracy covers ecology and campus issues.
Helen Yip: Helen is a fourth year studying Society and Environment and Media Studies. Originally from Los Angeles, she is interested in environmental communication, particularly portrayal of climate issues in media and how it affects public opinion. In her free time, Helen enjoys dancing, exploring new places, and fulfilling her new year’s resolution to reduce plastic consumption…so far so good!
Helen Yip covers environmental communications.
Isabelle Osorio: Isabelle Osorio is a first year student from the Bay Area intending to major in Business Administration and minor in Global Poverty and Practice. She is passionate about working with youth and advancing corporate social responsibility in the sectors of environment and ethics. Though she has no previous journalism experience, she is extremely excited to write about sustainable living and fashion in the SERC blog this year. In her free time, you can probably find her napping, listening to r&b, watching documentaries, and spending time with her family.
Isabelle Osorio covers sustainable living.
Jacob Dadmun: Jacob Dadmun is a freshman in the Society and Environment major at the College of Natural Resources with an intended minor in public policy. He grew up backpacking with his family in the mountains of Southern California, near where he grew up in San Diego. He found a passion for government in high school through the program Youth and Government, and intends to follow a career in public office. He is fascinated by international relations, large scale ecosystems, and clouds. He worked with the ACLU on smart racial justice and national security strategies, and did an academic residency at the aquatic lab in Biosphere 2, where he saw the potential good that public policy can have at addressing the climate crisis and rebalancing the earth’s natural systems. When at home in San Diego, he can generally be found eating Mexican food or sitting on the beach (or both), or locked in his room ranting about Ecuadorian cat populations. His interests include free diving, backpacking, history memes, and pretending to have a social life.
Jacob Dadmun covers international environmental governance and policy.
Jacob Solzberg: Born and raised in San Marino, California, Jacob is a third year majoring in Political Science with a focus on International Relations and minoring in Sustainability. Jacob joined the SERC blog team to help with spreading more information about environmental issues throughout campus. Jacob supports clean energy, sustainable design, clean technology, and climate change. (Wait, no. He supports combating climate change.) Jacob enjoys nature photography, video games, (Marvel) movies, animals, language learning, and rainy weather.
Jacob Solzberg covers photography and campus events.
Kate Kennedy: Kate Kennedy is a first year student majoring in Molecular Environmental Biology in the College of Natural Resources. She is a current participant of the Global Environment Theme House program and wants to learn more about connecting sustainability with lifestyle choices. Kate is passionate about marine ecosystems and later in life hopes to aid aquatic life impacted by climate change. In her free time, Kate enjoys drinking coffee, reading science fiction books, laughing at memes, participating with the Cal Triathlon team, and watching nature documentaries.
Kate Kennedy covers ecology.
Kaitlyn Lund: Kaitlyn Lund is a fourth year studying Conservation and Resource Studies with a focus on Environmental Policy and a minor in Public Policy. She is particularly interested in the intersections between climate and energy, environmental justice, policy, and city planning. Her hometown is San Diego, California where she loves the ocean, but also loves all the hiking and wonderful food and people that the Bay Area has to offer!
Kaitlyn Lund covers campus sustainability.
Kira Barsten: Kira Barsten is a senior majoring in Society and Environment with a concentration in Global Environmental Politics and double minoring in Peace and Conflict Studies and Conservation and Resource Studies. She is passionate about zero waste and minimizing her personal environmental footprint, as well as environmental politics, justice, and policy. She has been involved with the environmental community on campus through ECO-sponsored ASUC senator offices, the Berkeley Student Food Collective, undergraduate research, and Epsilon Eta. In her free time, she enjoys backpacking, climbing, skiing, and watching as many sunrises and sunsets as possible.
Kira Barsten is an editor for the Green Culture team.
Lucy Bennett: Lucy is a third year environmental science student, possibly minoring in food systems soon, and is the sort of person who frequently has the thought: “I need to be gardening right now!”. She has become extremely interested in the potential of alternative agriculture practices to reverse the damage that industrial agriculture has inflicted upon soils, climate, and the communities it has displaced. She often thinks about gender, it’s issues, and it’s intersection with environmental justice. She also considers herself an artist (occasionally) and really enjoys gardening, cooking, yoga, and listening to podcasts.
Lucy Bennett covers food systems and ecofeminism.
Madeline Tucker : Madeline is a fourth-year student from San Diego studying Conservation and Resources with a minor in Public Policy. Her focus is on sustainable agriculture, a passion she cultivated from spending hours in her backyard garden and carried with her to Cal. When she’s not advocating for ethical ag., she can be found experimenting in the kitchen, sewing, knitting, writing, or dreaming about one day owning her own farm with at least one goat.
Madeline Tucker covers creativity and the environment.
Maggie Camillos: Maggie is a third year studying Physical Geography and minoring in Music. She is interested in the extreme changes manifesting from climate change and how these changes are impacting vulnerable communities, as well as the composition and balance of wild ecosystems and landscapes. She is passionate about traveling, hiking, playing music, and drawing and painting, and is ultimately interested in exploring ways communicate her research through multi-media, artistic approach. At Cal she is also a member of Theater for Charity.
Maggie Camillos covers the natural world and its extremes.
Nicole Keeney: Nicole Keeney is a second year majoring in Environmental Science, with particular interests in climate change, linguistics, and international environmental issues. Nicole loves to drink lots of tea, read cool books, make stir fry, water her kale garden, study Spanish and Swahili, and go for long walks on the beach. A San Diego native, she’s happy to complain with you about how cold the Bay Area is, or show you her basic succulent collection that she justifies by saying it “reminds her of home.” Find Nicole studying in the sun outside Brown’s Cafe in CNR, cruising around the Berkeley fire trails in the late afternoon, or in the library working on awesome Leaflet blog articles!
Nicole Keeney covers ecology and animal science.
Nils Jepson: Nils Jepson is a fourth year double majoring in English and Society and Environment. He’s particularly interested in how both subjects, writing and environmental justice, collide and complement one another. He strongly believes that clear communication is the key to good environmentalism and can’t wait to help get the ball rolling at SERC. While not on campus, Nils can usually be found reading fiction (nonfiction too, begrudgingly), attempting to walk the entire length of the west coast, and excitably waiting for ABBA to go on tour again.
Nils Jepson is the Blog Manager.
Olga Rozmarynowska:Olga Rozmarynowska is a junior transfer from the University of California, Santa Cruz, doubling in Society and Environment and Classical Civilizations. Her research interests include climate change mitigation and energy policies in developing regions as well as Pliny the Elder’s “Natural History”. In her spare time, Olga is a mediocre harpist and hornist, Epsilon Eta’s favorite social activities intern, and is always excited to talk about National Geographic Explorers, geospatial technologies, volcanoes, and the adventures of Carmen Sandiego. Give her a holler and send her some of your favorite songs at
Olga Rozmarynowska is an editor for the Environmental Justice and Politics team.
Sam Good: Sam Good is a third year Civil & Environmental Engineering major (with a concentration in water quality), and a double minor in Chinese, and Global Poverty and Practice. She spent the summer interning in Taiwan, and is currently on a gap semester, working and traveling in Southeast Asia. She’s super vegan, loves people, and being outside!
Sam Good covers vegan food and food systems.
Sarah Xu: Sarah Xu is a second year Environmental Economics and Policy major and Global Poverty and Practice minor. She is passionate about global environmental governance. At UC Berkeley, Sarah has been involved with programs on campus like ReUSE our on-campus thrift store, the Global Environment Theme House, and Berkeley Model United Nations. In her free time, Sarah enjoys over-caffeinating and getting lost on public transportation.
Sarah Xu covers international environmental governance and policy.
Shasun Sulur: Shasun Sulur is a fourth year from Los Angeles, California. He is studying Political Economy and City & Regional Planning with a focus on development and inequality. Shasun is passionate about sustainable development and environmental policy and will illuminate these issues in his blog posts. Aside from the blog, Shasun is also active on UC Berkeley’s Model United Nations team. In his free time, he can be found running, drinking iced coffee, or watching Netflix!
Shasun Sulur is an editor for the Environmental Justice and Politics team.