Are you interested in getting involved with the environmental community at UC Berkeley? Join SERC through our membership program and work on projects ranging from environmental justice education to zero waste advocacy with a team of passionate, like-minded individuals!
Applications will open for Spring 2024 early February!
Learn about what Fall 2023’s teams are up to at the Fall 2023 Membership Information Doc.
Have questions about SERC Membership? Check out our Info session from Spring ’22 to learn more about the program.
What is the SERC Membership Program?
SERC Membership was piloted in Fall 2016, with the goal of providing individual students the opportunity to help build a collaborative, inclusive student community around sustainability. We aim to preserve institutional memory around environmental projects, build a more cohesive community, and get new students plugged into existing events. Members have access to various membership benefits, including structured volunteer opportunities, project and event management experience, leadership development, and social events. Members join different committees led by SERC staff members based on their skills and interests. Membership is an opportunity to work with other like-minded individuals to research & compile resources, get hands-on experience with project management, and plan events for the environmental community. The SERC Membership program has grown exponentially in recent years and we are so excited to continue to offer this program.
Since 2016, SERC Membership teams have put on a variety of events. Check out some flyers and pictures from our teams’ programming!
How do I join?
The SERC Membership Program recruits within the first month of every academic semester.
Q: What is the time commitment for the SERC Membership Program?
A: While it varies by team, the SERC members can expect to attend weekly hour-long meetings in addition with approximately 1-2 hours of additional sustainability-focused work outside of meetings.
Q: Do I have to be a freshman to join?
A; No, the SERC Membership Program is open to all UC Berkeley students!
For more questions and concerns, please e-mail